Central Railway Announces 34 Unreserved Holi Special Trains for Dadar-Ratnagiri and Daund-Kalaburagi

For the convenience of passengers and with a view to meet travel demand of passengers during the hot season of Holi festival and summer season are always the busiest season of the year , most of the families travel to various to outstations during summer so to channelise the issue of packed trains and unreserved train tickets central railway has come up with a way, central railway is going to run 34 more pairs of holi special trains.
Central Railway has came up with an solution as central railway will run 34 unreserved Holi Special Trains between Dadar-Ratnagiri and Daund-kalaburagi for the benefits of the passengers travelling specially for Holi festival .
The details of these are as followed:
Dadar-Ratnagiri Unreserved Special :
The Dadar-Ratnagiri unreserved special train will run tri weekly and commence six trips that is (Tuesday,Thursday and Sunday). 01131 Unreserved Special will leave Dadar at 14.50 hrs on 11.03.2025(Tue), 13.03.2025(Thu) & 16.03.2025(Sun) and will arrive Ratnagiri at 23.40 hrs same day. (3 trips)
01132 Unreserved Special will leave Ratnagiri at 04.30 hrs on 12.03.2025(Wed), 14.03.2025(Fri) & 17.03.2025(Mon) and will arrive Dadar at 13.25 hrs same day. (3 trips) . The halting stations of this train are Thane, Panvel, Pen, Roha, Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chiplun, Savarda, Aravali Road and Sangameshwar. This train wil be composed as 14 General Second Class and 2 Second Class-cum-Luggage-cum Guard’s Coach.
Daund-Kalaburagi Unreserved Special :
The Daund-Kalaburagi Unreserved Special will run on 5 days a week and will commence 20 trips, 01421 Unreserved Special will leave Daund at 05.00 hrs from 10.03.2025 to 22.03.2025 (except on 13.03.2025, 16.03.2025, & 20.03.2025) and will arrive Kalaburagi at 11.20 hrs same day. (10 trips)
01422 Unreserved Special will leave Kalaburagi at 16.10 hrs from 10.03.2025 to 22.03.2025 (except on 13.03.2025, 16.03.2025, & 20.03.2025) and will arrive Daund at 22.20 hrs same day. (10 trips).
The trains halting stations are Bhigwan, Parewadi, Jeur, Kem, Kurduwadi, Madha, Mohol, Solapur, Tikekarwadi, Hotgi, Akalkot Road, Boroti, Dudhani and Ganagapur. This trains composition is as follows , the train will have10 General Second Class and 2 Second Class-cum-Luggage-cum Guard’s Coach.
Daund-Kalaburagi Unreserved Special –
The Daund-Kalaburagi Unreserved Special will run as Bi-weekly that is on Thursday and Sunday. This train will commence 8 trips in all. 01425 Unreserved Special will leave Daund at 05.00 hrs on 09.03.2025, 13.03.2025, 16.03.3025 & 20.03.2025 (Thursday & Sunday) and will arrive Kalaburagi at 11.20 hrs same day. (4 trips)
01426 Unreserved Special will leave Kalaburagi at 20.30 hrs on 09.03.2025, 13.03.2025, 16.03.3025 & 20.03.2025 (Thursday & Sunday) and will arrive Daund at 02.30 hrs next day. (4 trips).
This trains halting stations are : Bhigwan, Parewadi, Jeur, Kem, Kurduwadi, Madha, Mohol, Solapur, Tikekarwadi, Hotgi, Akalkot Road, Boroti, Dudhani and Ganagapur. The train’s composition are;10 General Second Class and 2 Second Class-cum-Luggage-cum Guard’s Coach.
Tickets for unreserved special trains on normal charges can be booked through UTS app (Indian railway ticket booking app). The passengers can contact on the website also for detailed timings and halts of these special trains can be asked or checked from the website of Indian railways or the user can also download the app for any inquires related to these . The website is www.enquiry.indianrail.gov.in and the name of the app ” NTES App “.